Yoga Teacher Training In France
Going to a yoga teacher training intensive was one of the best things I've ever done. I grew as a person and as a yogi, I met amazing people who are encouraging, strong, and kind. As a bonus, I was able to travel abroad to northern France and London. I decided to do my teacher training with Yogacara because I knew that I would prefer a program that immersed me in an environment that I could fully focus on yoga without daily distractions. Through this program we dove in to the history, philosophy, and asanas. We did a few workshops on Ayurveda and Yin and I plan on diving deeper into those practices later this year. My favorite part of this training was the attention that we got during our classes and we were able to practice cuing every day with one another. At the end of the course, we had a one hour practicum that included various holistic yoga practices such as mudras and paranayamas. This has really taken my yoga to the next level, I learned so much from the teachers and my peers and I'm so excited to share what I've learned!