The Importance of Savoring
How often do you stop to enjoy a moment without distractions? This can be tricky especially when you live in a city or have a packed schedule. It’s important that we pause during an enjoyable moment and savor that space in between. This could be eating a meal without any distractions, going on a walk in a park, or cooking your favorite food. Focusing on one thing and really enjoying it can increase your overall happiness over time.
Savoring allows you to notice and enjoy a moment adding to your overall happiness. You start higher on your Hedonic Adaptation curve - meaning you stay in the present longer. The basic idea of Hedonic Adaptation is that we all have a baseline of happiness and we move up and down throughout our experiences but then return to that baseline. While savoring, your happiness increases for a longer period of time. Savoring is an amazing way to stay higher on the happiness scale for longer by staying present.
I encourage you to take at least 10 minutes per day to pause and savor a moment - how do you feel during? how do you feel afterward? Over time, savoring will become more of a habit and you’ll be able to stay present for longer periods of time.
To dive deeper into mindfulness check out my monthly workshops and events