5 Ways To Take A Pause


The pause can take on many forms and it’s just as important as being productive. When we give ourselves space to rest, we’re able to be more creative, productive, and patient.

  1. Stillness - you can practice stillness by meditating, sitting in nature, or taking a long bath. This form of pause allows your brain to rest without too much stimulation and can often spark new ideas!

  2. Doing something creative - this can be cooking, building something, or taking a pottery class. Using your hands is very therapeutic and allows you to use another part of your brain.

  3. Yoga - there are many types of yoga from restorative to vinyasa. Restorative is exactly what it sounds like, restful and slow. Vinyasa is energizing and a quicker pace. When you’re feeling anxious it’s important to find grounding - perhaps a restorative class is best suited for you. If you’re feeling lethargic and need a boost - try vinyasa for more energy.

  4. Go on a walk - if the weather permits, you can take a short walk around the block, or walk to a closeby cafe grab a tea and come back. This change of scenery can inspire new ideas, boost creativity, and gets your endorphins flowing!

  5. Spend time in nature - whether you rent a cabin and spend a whole week in nature or walk to your local park, spending some time in nature is grounding. This grounding practice reduces anxiety and stress giving you a renewed sense of ease.

Want to join me for a rejuvenating retreat? Join me in Portugal Oct 2020 for a Mindful Yoga Retreat