Three Ways To Get Into A State Of Flow


Throughout my Mindfulness journey, practicing getting into a state of full present awareness fluctuates depending on the stress levels in my life at that time. Over the past year, we’ve all been experiencing consistent stress and anxiety which is heavy and can wear us down. It takes more energy to be intentional about our Mindfulness practice - but it’s essential to our mental health to tap into our present awareness to strengthen our resilience.

Getting into a state of flow is a way to be fully present in what you’re doing without the worry of time. When you’re in a state of flow - time feels like it stands still and you’re fully aware of the present and you’re joyful. This can happen when you’re cooking, painting, reading, or spending time chatting with a good friend.

Here are a few ways you can practice getting into a state of flow. Let me know which one you’ve tried!

Drop Into The Present

Use anchoring techniques or a meditation practice to ground yourself into the present moment. As a refresher, the anchors are body, breath, and sound.

Body - using your physical body to anchor yourself to the present moment. Body scan meditation is a great example.

Breath - utilizing the breath to ground into the present moment. Utilizing the 4-7-8 breath for instance.

Sound - tuning into the sounds around you to bring yourself into present awareness.

Devote Time To Just Be

Instead of practicing a formal meditation, give yourself to simply be. Allow any thoughts to float on by like a cloud practicing non-judgment and non-comparison and letting go of your “shoulds”. Observe the present moment and arrive fully.

One Thing Less

Eliminating extra stimuli from our lives will only add to your present awareness and help you build on your informal Mindfulness practice. You can practice “one thing less” by showering or driving without listening to music or a podcast. Simply being with the experience itself - be with yourself and in the moment fully in tune with the present.

There are many more ways you can find flow. These are a few ways you can intentionally practice and from there it becomes habitual and you’ll enter the state of flow naturally the more you practice.

Want to dive deeper into Mindfulness? Join me for a 4-week series focused on building a healthy relationship with present awareness and strengthening your resilience.

Molly Black