How Reiki Balances Your Chakras

You’ve probably heard your yoga teacher talk about your chakras - there are 7 main chakras running up and down your body as energy centers.

  1. Root Chakra is the color red and focuses on grounding.

  2. Sacral Chakra is the color orange and helps you channel your creative energy

  3. Solar Plexus Chakra is the color yellow and holds the energy for your sense of self and authenticity

  4. Heart Chakra is the color green, focusing on compassion and forgiveness

  5. Throat Chakra is the color blue, holding the energy for truth and self-expression

  6. Third Eye Chakra is the color indigo, the energy space for your intuition

  7. Crown Chakra is the color violet, which focuses on spirituality

When your chakras are out of balance you may feel “off” or you may be experiencing headaches, lack of quality sleep, anxiety, etc. A Reiki healer can sense which chakras are blocked by hovering or placing their hands over that energy center. From there, the healer can remove blocked energy from this space and send it healing as well as amplify your body’s natural healing capabilities. Typically, I scan the body’s energy and aura, then I read each chakra. After that, I clear blocked energy from the chakras and aura then finish by grounding the mind, body, and spirit to seal the practice.

To make a Reiki appointment - email me at

Molly Black