4 Journal Prompts for Mindful Awareness
Take a moment to arrive fully in this moment - inhale deeply and exhale completely. Check in with yourself - notice how you carried yourself and the energy you brought to the space before and after you took a deep breath. The key to mindfulness is to fully arrive in the present moment. I now invite you to sit with this new energy for 1 - 5 minutes focusing on your breath, you’re welcome to use the meditation below. Remember, the invitation to start your mindfulness practice over is always open. Give yourself permission to release your “shoulds” during this practice. Afterwards reflect on your experience with the journal prompts below.
Mindful Journal Prompts
When you experienced the stillness., was your first instinct to do something (like take a sip of water, check your phone, or fidget) to fill this space?
We’re constantly stimulated and on the go, we’re not used to stillness and it can be uncomfortable at first. What did it feel like to sit in that stillness?
Typically, when we’re enjoying a moment we hold on tightly and hope it doesn’t end. What is the difference between savoring a moment and holding on to a moment? How does it feel in your body to savor a moment?
Mindfulness is a journey, we go though ebs and flows and can always return to the practice. How can you stay grounded in your daily life?