Yoga Nidra for Ease & Rest


Yoga Nidra is a therapeutic deep relaxation practice to move into pure presence. The practice starts by grounding and checking in with yourself. Yoga Nidra typically doesn’t involve any movement, but you can always start with some slow movements or a mini restorative practice to get settled in.

There are 3 main stages of the body

  1. Waking State - Beta brain waves, moving quickly. Shifting into alpha when we close our eyes, slowing down.

  2. Dreaming State - Theta brain waves

  3. Deep Sleep State - Delta brain waves. Physical healing occurs. During Nidra 30 - 40 minutes, you can move into delta 1 - 3 times.

There is a 4th state is called turiya - where Yoga Nidra occurs, sleep with pure awareness. Body and mind are “asleep” but your awareness is awake. Your mind stills and emotions level out. You are in a state of realization that you are not your emotions or thought patterns, you are a container for all of these experiences that flow through you. Yoga Nidra teaches us how to let go and learn to let our emotions and thoughts to flow out of us like our breath.

 Yoga Nidra helps you let go of 3 fold tensions

  1. Body - Physical tension, this could be a cramp, mild pain, etc.

  2. Heart - Emotional tension , this could be sadness, grief, etc.

  3. Mind - Mental stress, this could be anxiety, stress etc.

When you let go of these tensions in your body, heart and mind, you step back from doing and step into being - this is where the magic begins. Reset the central nervous system and move towards balance and rejuvenation

Enjoy the mini Yoga Nidra recording below!

Molly Black