Winter Blues Survival Kit

Seasonal depression is real and it’s best to get ahead of it before it’s officially winter. I love autumn, it’s my favorite season full of cozy sweaters and warm drinks, but I’ve already started my winter routine to ensure that during some of the deary days of autumn, I’m prepared!

  1. Vitamin D3 - I start taking supplements more regularly starting in September to kick-start higher levels. According to Mind Body Green Vitamin D3 is the “sunshine hormone” and deficiency can lead to depression.

  2. CBD - There has been a lot of talk about CBD in the past few years, I have been taking CBD for the past few years to help with anxiety and depression. This works really well for me and my body, make sure you do your own research and find what works best for you.

  3. SADD Lamp - I typically start using a SADD lamp in October or November to give myself a boost. A SADD lamp acts like the sun, which boosts our Vitamin D3 without the vitamins and this gives us more energy, joy, and gets us ready for the day! I’ve learned through my experience and research to use the SADD Lamp during the morning because it jump-starts your day on a high note. If you use it at night, it might negatively affect your sleep.

  4. Sunrise Alarm Clock - I am really excited that I bought one this year, I found mine online and it’s been working wonderfully! I love waking up to natural light to help lower my melatonin so that I wake up less tired. I set the time I want to be up by, the lamp slowly gets brighter over 30 minutes until it’s fully lit. This way, I gently wake up more naturally.

What routines work well for you?