Reducing Plastic in Your Everyday Life

I've always been a sustainability nerd and I've been striving to become plastic free over the past year. Below is my quick and easy guide to starting your plastic-free(ish) life!

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Byta One of the best purchases I've ever made! It's a very cute metal mug with a plastic lid that closes. This mug keeps my chai lattes hot and my ice coffees nice and cold. I also bought two stainless steel straws from the same company and use them at my house and on the go. 

Plaine Products I found this company on my journey to find plastic-free shampoo. The formula for their shampoo is amazing and leaves my hair feeling smooth and clean (sulfate free!). They also came out with a face wash, face moisturizer, body wash, body lotion...basically everything you would need to ditch plastic bottles. Even their shipping packaging is plastic free, it doesn't get better than that! I bought some travel size basics including shampoo, conditioner, body wash, body lotion all reusable and refillable for $15. I'm very excited to try them out while I'm in Europe!

Lush Another amazing company with a sustainable mission to become package free. You can find all of your beauty/bath needs in solid form from face wash to body lotions and makeup. One of my favorites is their face wash Fresh Farmacy, it''s easy to travel with and has a great formula that doesn't dry out my skin.

Reusable Bags You can bring back your used paper bags to pack up your new groceries, buy reusable bags,or use reusable bags given to you at events/festivals. There are many ways around reusing bags at the store and I've found some shops carry packable reusable bags for easy storage and transport. You can also buy reusable produce bags at stores like Mighty Nest. Fun fact! The produce bags at most TJ's grocery stores are biodegradable. Always double check to make sure what biodegradable means for those bags, there are different standards that mean different things.

LifestyleMolly Black