Recommended Resources!

Below are my recommended resources that I've used in my everyday life. Enjoy! 


She is Strong and Mindful Therapy and coaching for Women

Levo League Unlimited resources for the hustle!

Let's Vibe Another amazing group of women focused on building each other up!

evolveHer A women run, women run coworking space in Chicago! They have amazing panels and community events focused on personal and professional growth. You can become a community member or rent desk space for your business.

Fierce and Focused  Katy is a career coach with a love for all things quirky. She has a background in recruiting for Yelp, Inc., career coaching for Kaplan, Inc., training staff for family owned hotel, hospitality, and education. Katy has been fortunate to have worked with Forbes, FastCompany, Startup Bus, and to have helped hundreds of people pursue careers they love.



LifestyleMolly Black